Know Your Money Love

I want you to experience financial freedom, no matter where you are today. 

One step toward that is aligning your spending with your values. And YOU, my friend, have already lived a lot of life. You know yourself better than your 20-year-old self. You know what matters most to you. You know what you love. 

So let’s get even clearer, and find out what your Money Love is. 

The Big WHY.

Knowing your Money Love is a way for you, no matter your income or financial situation (good, bad, or somewhere in between) to align your spending with your values. And this can help sustain you in your efforts toward your financial goals. That’s important!

Even more reasons:

💪 It’s fun to know what it is!

💪 When you’re more aware of your spending “love” (not just like, or want), you can be more intentional about your choices—and experience more JOY from spending, rather than guilt or regret.

💪 Simply put, it’s honoring.

💪 As long as you’re spending on your love, you’ll be more willing to cut back (a lot, depending on your situation) on the rest.

💪 I’ll say it again, it will help sustain you in your efforts to improve your financial life.

Which “love” is yours?

A quick glance at this list may reveal your Money Love. But for a description of each, go here.

If you feel you have two, reflect more and choose your TOP one.

How to use them.

First, you have your financial “needs.” It’s important to discern what your true needs are, and not to blur these lines...

...with the rest. 

But buried in that “rest,” is the top Money Love you just discovered above. Let's call the other stuff your wants and likes (from StuffMart if you’ve ever watched the old Veggie Tales!).

Could you cut back A LOT on your wants and likes, while honoring your love? (Ramit Sethi calls them “Money Dials” because you can make adjustments to them.)

Those who have enough financial resources can spend more freely on their love. But if things are really tight for you financially and you’re buried in debt, it’s still helpful to know your Money Love.

Intentionally spending just $10 (or whatever is appropriate) on your love, while focusing every other dollar to debt (or whatever your financial goal is) can help you sustain your effort.

“Knowing my Money Love was affirming. The intentionality gives me freedom to move in the right direction.”—Kim Morter

“I feel like my ‘love’ gets stepped on a lot. But this validated my emotions around it.—Amanda Olson. 

Let me help you get your finances in order so you can feel confident in your future. We’ll incorporate your Money Love into your plan toward your financial goals. 
It’ll be fun!


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