Is it hard to talk about money?

I help couples in their 40s and 50s have great
money conversations, so they can retire financially secure and happy, together!

You know you need to build better financial habits so you can be ready for retirement some day. But whenever you try to talk about money, it ends up in a fight.

One of you feels judged, and the other feels frustrated.

It’s hard to trust each another with money.

You worry you haven’t done enough, but it doesn’t help that your partner says, “It’ll be fine, it always is.”

Or maybe you have done enough, but it’s hard to feel confident, and spend without fear. Your partner wants to live now, not just later!

The worry and stress gets in the way of enjoying your relationship as much as you’d like.

And about that retirement savings…

You’ve prioritized your kids’ needs over your own retirement savings.

You’ve underestimated how much you need to save, or maybe you are saving enough, but you’re not sure.

One of you wants to be more aggressive about saving, and the other feels like you’ve already sacrificed enough.

Even when you have money to invest, you’re not sure how to grow it because it seems complicated, and intimidating.

You’re exhausted and it feels like you’ll have to work forever to catch up.

And that pressure to “catch up” just makes your money conversations with your partner worse.

Imagine instead.

You have calm and productive money conversations that you feel good about—that help you feel closer to one another. You’re on the same page now, with the same dreams. And confidently, as a team, making real progress toward
financial independence.

And because you’ve learned what you’ll need for a secure future (and how to get there), work feels better, life feels better. No more fights. With your shared vision, your new habits, and your partnership, you can feel confident in your future, and do more of the things you love (with the one you love)!
It feels like freedom!

I'm Dee, and I believe pursuing financial freedom is essential. Money affects every aspect of life—when finances create stress, conflict, or fear, it impacts everything we care about.

I've faced these challenges firsthand. Like you, I’ve managed debt, dealt with emergencies, supported my children’s mental health challenges, helped them through college, supported aging parents, planned and invested for our future, and dreamed of starting a business. It’s a lot to juggle!

But I view it as a meaningful journey. Each milestone builds freedom, moving you closer to the future you want. As a coach, I use my knowledge and experiences in marriage and in life to help couples like you have great money conversations, feel confident in your finances, stop worrying, and enjoy what matters most. You know what you want from life—let’s get you there!

Are you ready?

If you’ve made plans in the past, but couldn’t stick to them,

If you can’t talk about money with each other without fighting,

If you just feel stuck, and can’t see progress no matter what you do,

Work with me 1:1 and I’ll get you on your way to financial freedom!

We start by assessing your current situation with a deep-dive Money Assessment. This allows us to see where you stand and understand how it’s impacting your life.

Learn more about private coaching here.

From there we’ll begin your journey to freedom, addressing your unique money personality, values, and dreams, and putting systems into place that fit you best, for success.

Over the course of our time together, I’ll help you take consistent action, with a clear roadmap for the future, so you can be confident and no longer worry!

What others are experiencing.

It’s time. To get your finances in order. Get traction. Invest. Feel confident. No longer worry. Pursue freedom!

Take these steps, and you’ll get there!

Book Your Call.

To get started on your Journey, book a free call with me below. Let’s talk about your situation, why you feel stuck, and what you hope for your future.

Get Focused.

With focus and commitment to the Journey, you’ll put systems in place, develop healthier habits, and get your feet on solid ground.

Reach Your Goals.

Now that you’re off the treadmill, you’ll make real traction with your money. Together, we’ll get you well on your way to financial freedom!

Not sure about coaching yet?
Get your FREE Financial Freedom Workouts.

I’ll help you take small, but key steps towards Financial Freedom, one week at a time. It’s FREE. Sign up for the Gym to get your weekly workouts, and get financially fit!

Be sure to check out additional offerings available in the Services tab, including an in-depth $97 Money Assessment to learn why you’re struggling to reach your financial goals, and what you can do about it. And our group programs: Mindful Spending, The Nest Egg Playbook, and Employee Workshops.