How much does it cost?

This may be one of your first questions. However, I need to visit with you first to better understand your situation and discern your need. Our core program is a private 12-session journey for couples (10-session for singles), usually over the course of 6-9 months. Additional coaching beyond that is discussed and restructured. Let’s visit about your unique situation, and come up with a coaching plan that feels right for you!

*We can also consider if a group coaching program would be appropriate, either as a supplement, or stand-alone.

What will the discovery call be like?

These visits are typically done virtually, but phone is another option if more convenient or comfortable. First, we’ll discuss your unique situation, your pain points, and your goals. Second, I’ll share what coaching can provide for your needs, and how I can help. Finally, if it feels right, we’ll talk about what working together would look like and we’ll get you scheduled for your first coaching session!

Do I need a financial advisor or do I need a financial coach?

If you’re interested in having someone manage your investment funds, then you will want to find a trustworthy financial advisor (preferably a CFP). AUM refers to “assets under management” which is how most financial advisors are compensated—you pay a percentage fee on the value of your assets and they manage your investments. If they are a CFP, they can be a great resource, especially when nearing retirement age.

If you’re interested in a holistic and more hands-on approach, then a coach is a great option. Financial coaches coach. We look at every component of your money world including mindset, habits and behaviors. We help you see things you may not see for yourself. We help you crystallize your goals—then prioritize and strategize. We provide an abundance of practical guidance so you can get the most traction possible. And we are here to encourage you when you’re tired and overwhelmed. We guide, as you change your world!

Can you help me plan for retirement?

Absolutely! This is where my heart is. We will look at where you’re at with debt elimination and other important savings needs first. Then we’ll determine what you’re able to save for the future, and when you might be able to achieve financial independence. We’ll look at the options you have for where your money goes, and help you understand the investing world (using normal language) so that you can decide whether you want to manage these dollars yourself or seek the help of a CFP. And the fun part? We can help you map out a life where work is a choice, not a must!

Do you work with singles or couples?

My focus is helping couples in their 40s and 50s talk about money more productively, so they can work together as a team toward financial independence. But if we’re a good fit for other reasons, I will absolutely work with others, no matter the age—both single men and single women. Wherever you are in life, I want you to feel more confident in your finances. If you’re in a relationship in which your partner is not interested in coaching, let’s visit about what’s best. It’s advised for both to be on board with the coaching relationship. But there can be unique situations where this is not possible. Let’s explore this and see if we can make it work.

I’m living paycheck to paycheck. How can I be expected to pay for coaching?

First of all, know that you are not alone (most Americans are in the same boat). But it’s time for change. The commitment to pay for coaching is an investment. One that has a high “return on investment” (ROI). Coaching is meant to put money back in your pocket by changing your mindset, habits, strategies, and systems. Consider these questions instead: Can you afford not to have a coach? Has your way been working? How long can you continue doing the same thing? What is the cost of inaction?

If you just give me some quick tips, why can’t I do this on my own?

You can try, and you might be the rare exception and succeed! But have those tips resulted in lasting change for you in the past? A coach is much more than an advice-giver. We strive to understand your situation on a deep level—how the knots got tangled, and what is required for change. We come alongside you on the journey to encourage, motivate, and challenge. In fact, even coaches have coaches! I do! So don’t stay stuck, okay? If you’d like a valuable free resource, sign up for the Financial Freedom Workouts—10 weekly emails to get you started.

Does coaching make sense for my situation?

Most likely it does. Know that I will meet you where you’re at. Where you’re “at” may mean addressing thoughts and behaviors holding you back; difficult communication with your partner about money; the need for effective cash flow planning (in a way that best works for you); the cycle of never having enough; overwhelming debt; dealing with collectors; avoiding foreclosure; saving for emergencies to put a stop to financial setbacks; saving for a house and other goals and dreams; paying for kids’ education; changing jobs or starting a business; planning for financial independence; living the life you want to live; changing your family tree!

Can you help me with my business?

Absolutely. In fact, many of my clients have small businesses. I will coach you on the Profit First approach to “transform your business from a cash-eating monster to a money-making machine” (Mike Michalowicz’ subtitle to his book Profit First). You will feel confident managing both your business and your personal finances (it’s critical they are separate).

I think I need more life coaching than financial coaching. Can you help me with that?

That is often the case, and yes I would love to come alongside you on that journey! The two are so related, that I often describe my work as life coaching on the inside, financial coaching on the outside. For wellness, there are many areas of our lives to address, and they’re all interconnected. Let me help you navigate life as we also take a look at your financial world.

Can you coach my adult kids?

Yes, if they want to be coached! Feel free to book a session with me first to visit about it. And then, if it still makes sense, you can suggest it to them. If they have an interest, then I will visit with them as well, to discern. Unfortunately, as much as we may want it for our children, unless they see and feel the need, we will have to wait until they do!

Are you ready?