Know what you spend

“Financial freedom” sounds great, but honestly…how is it even possible? As daunting of an achievement as it may sound, it is possible, no matter your income in most cases. But there are a number of steps to take, to understand what’s needed and to be confident in your plan. The most important step?

Know what you spend now!

It’s a spending plan, in addition to an investment plan, that will give you the confidence you need.

Knowing what you spend now is more than glancing at your income. It’s knowing what you’re spending in every area of life, and knowing it while it’s happening. Although you may be able to (and need to) improve your spending habits, it is these very choices that are reflective of what you value; and most likely will be what you want to “retire to.” However, once you have this kind of visibility and awareness, you’ll be empowered to make changes, so you can get more traction achieving yourfinancial freedom! In fact, if you get used to spending more on what you value, and less on what you don’t, you may not need to fund as much for that freedom!


Your paycheck in retirement


Your future self