DZ Financial Coaching

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Financial Freedom is a Journey!

Financial freedom is a journey, not just a destination. A journey everyone can start experiencing, immediately.

But what does that mean? A financial coach I know says that “financial freedom” is too vague, maybe even woo-woo. I disagree.

But I do agree that we need to define it. And if we understand it, it’s extremely motivational, and powerful in our lives. So let’s get started with three different ways to see it!


You experience freedom with each step you take, toward your financial goals.

Financial freedom can mean that very next step in front of you that brings financial peace into your life. What that step is will depend on where you’re starting from. 

👏 A balance in my checking account and no overdrafts!
👏 Savings in the bank for an emergency
👏 My credit cards are paid off! (This is huge!)
👏 Kids’ college fund started
👏 A raise at work
👏 Increased 401k contribution to retirement 
👏 Able to give more generously
👏 …and more

Every time you reach a meaningful financial goal, you’re building freedom—step by step—toward the future you want. Go here to learn more.


You experience financial freedom when you get to do more of the things you love!

When you have the financial resources to make choices in your life, you’re experiencing freedom. For my husband, it’s having more time to spend on his hobby. 

He captured this image (with all of his geeky equipment) from the comet last week, seen low in the western sky: C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS). 

Fun fact: The head measured two miles in diameter and the tail may have been as long as 18 million miles.

For me, financial freedom was having the freedom to start my own business, and coach!

For you, it may be changing careers, living abroad, starting your own business, moving closer to family, etc.


You experience freedom when you achieve financial independence.

Financial freedom is technically “having enough savings to support yourself for the rest of your life.”

My hubby is pretty happy about his freedom. As of last week, he “retired”—a big step towards freedom for us.

But even if he’s calling it “retirement,” he’s really just retiring TO something—the freedom to do more of the things he loves! Let’s talk about how you could do more of these things too.



I want this for you. I want you to believe that you can have it. I want you to realize that each step you take is a little (or big) taste of it, moving you forward, step-by-step until it’s a full-blown reality for you! 

Want some help? 

I’ll help you get you there with my 10-session private coaching program, Journey to Financial Freedom. 

Book a free discovery call and we can talk about your next steps!